Monday, August 5, 2013

What I Learned this Summer

What a whirl wind this summer has been! I have seen around the blog world some "what I learned in (insert month)" posts. How about I list for you some things I learned this SUMMER.

1. Despite the crazy amounts of rain and cool(er) weather, it still gets hot in OK. And when you get your electric bill, you are suddenly remorseful for choosing to drop the A/C temps instead of sweating just a bit.

2. Babies really can BREAK! Seriously, we spent a weekend at Children's Hospital in OKC with our then two month old Marian while we went through x-rays and then fittings for a harness for her broken femur. Just going to stay away from the sarcasm and jokes on this one. It was a heartbreaking incident for those involved. And we learned it is SUPER important to make sure there are never half deflated exercise balls lying in the doorways.

Rare moment of sleep.

3. "You are over qualified for this job" is the dumbest and most frustrating phrase ever. Well, maybe. "Do you know how you got all those kids?" is right there with it. But praise be to God, Heath started a much needed job this week.

4. We are not made to be separated. Heath traveled for work for about three weeks. We were miserable. Like, ugly cry miserable. The kids however, may have enjoyed a lot of it. While I was consoling myself with social media and cookies, they were watching copious amounts of cartoons and movies. It may not have been my most shining moment, but since I am burying that all in my past, we'll just say it wasn't so bad.

5. Getting teenagers ready for church camp is hilarious. Especially when comparing the girl to the boy. Jeffie Jean spent a couple of weeks getting everything ready: outfits picked out, convincing Mom to sew a few new things, and picking out just the right suitcase. And she packed and re-packed for four days. Malcolm just brought in some stuff and dumped it by a duffel bag. We wondered how he planned to make it without socks and certain unmentionables. But we got it worked out. Oh, and 8 eight hats for a five day camp is NOT too many.

6. We are raising Buddy the Elf's long lost sister. I promise, Georgia Beth is going to be the death of me. From her tabletop, naked dancing; precious "loves you just a little bits" declarations; lip busting romps through the house (and ensuing blood curdling screams), to her need to cuddle just one more time, I thought I had seen it all on her roller coaster of life. That was until we found her in the refrigerator chugging SYRUP! Not her regular, ranch dressing (yes, this is a regular occurrence) but sticky, yummy syrup. She had chugged nearly the entire bottle!! Oh lands sake, I flashed to the scene where Buddy was putting syrup on spaghetti and wondered if that was going to be our life from now on.

7. Loosing your first tooth makes you grow up by about 5 years. My Paulee Rea is my sweet little girl. She is infinitely 4 to 5 years old. But she lost her first tooth days before her 6th birthday, and suddenly she can do everything on her own. She grew up. I am beginning to believe those baby teeth hold all our children's innocence, imagination, and wonder. And when they begin falling out, so goes the Neverland childhood. Sigh. Why must they grow up?

8. I am a GENIUS! Wait, I meant to say I discovered a great afternoon activity that grows us all. *Ahem. As soon as lunch is over, we put the crazed little elf to bed for a nap, and everyone else must curl up on their own for an hour of quiet, reading time. While they are all getting some alone time, I am free for the hour to write, sew, or just enjoy the quiet. In full disclosure, this might have just been instituted this afternoon, and might still be a work in progress.

9. School supply madness hitting the stores in June is not cool! Enough said.

10. I would not trade this life, or this summer for anything. It was funny, crazy, life altering, and nearly heart breaking. And we have been refined. We might have a few slight twitches that won't go away, but we are better for it!

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