Monday, June 9, 2014

Five Gifts for Fathers that Would Meet Cliff Huxtible's Approvel

When I think of Father's Day Gifts, the first thing I think of is the episode of The Cosby Show where Cliff has had enough of the bad gifts. His chest of gifts is so funny! Soap on a Rope. How does one use it? Light up ties, hats, belts, and suspenders.  So for all the Dad's that don't promote themselves, here are five quick, simple ideas that are sure to be useful to the Father in your life!

  1. MOVIES~ I don't know of a single guy that doesn't love movies.  Whether your guy likes action and adventure, Sci-Fi, or classics, there are plenty of options for him.  Some of the favorites for my guys are, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug , Star Trek: Stardate Collection , and the John Wayne Film Collection. The possibilities are endless!
  2. Kreg K4MS Jig Master System~ My guys all love to get dirty, make big messes, and have something they have made with their own hands.  And this system has been at the top of the wish/want list for quite some time.  As an added bonus? You can start adding handmade furniture and home storage to your wish lists! It's a win-win situation!
  3. Bird Feeders~ Seriously.  Guys really seem to like them! Anything that has to do with birding is our go-to gift for my Dad, but there is something to be said about providing for the sparrows I guess.  I've known many men who LOVE having bird feeders!
  4. Books~ The guys in my life are AVID readers. So try picking out favorite genres or authors like David McCullough, Zane Grey, or their favorite thriller author.
  5. Sports~ No list would be complete without mentioning sports.  Our guys like to move. They love to compete, get sweaty, and hang out with their pals.  So whether your guy likes to tailgate, follow his favorite team, or gear up, this is always a good way to go!
Whatever you get the fathers in your life, remember that they love you. They are part of you, and you are a part of them. They will love what you get them. As long as it's not a light up, hula girl tie!

Oh, and just in case you are wondering? We did get something from this list for my husband! But since he is reading this and giving his stamp of approval, I can't tell you which one!

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