Thursday, March 31, 2011

Let's party like it's 2011!!

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

They say a picture is worth a thousand words....I wonder if that took into account how many people are in it? Welcome to my little home in the great world wide web. This is a place where chaos reigns, little boys rough house, little girls pretend, farm animals run amuck, and parents try to keep hold of the reigns.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Beth, and I am a stay at home mom. That was not my original plan some fourteen years ago when I got married, but it is a path I truely love. My husband, Heath, is a pastor, and we have been moved to a little Oklahoma town of 150. Personally, I think that number includes some of the cows.

Heath and I have eight children ages 12 to 7 months. Yes. Eight kids. All ours. No, we don't have some religous reason. We do know where babies come from. And yes, we have a TV. Most of my time is spent schooling, cleaning, cooking, sewing and child rearing. Please look around at my sight and make yourself at home. I'm so glad you came!



  1. Hi,

    Wow...what a big family you have and lovely children.

    Stopping by from UBP 2011. My name is Juliana and I hope you return my visit to my Personal blog or Shopping blog. Nice to meet you and see you around.

  2. And I am the blessed aunt to those eight beautiful children!! Love each one of your lovely family!!!

  3. that was funny! it is nice to meet you, I'm here from the UBP11. I too am married to a minister but we only have 4 kids and often people tell me to get a TV or wonder if Canadian winters are too cold...


    Come by when you get a moment.

    Shasher's Life

  4. Glad to join your journey where chaos reigns! I feel right at home. ;)

  5. Excited to meet you through the UBP!
    Your family is beautiful! I come from a family of 6 kids and I hope to have at least that many! Yay for big families! :-)

    Johanna at Mama Chocolate
    Family life, tips for mom, reviews, giveaways and more!

  6. GREAT Post! I love it! "yes we have t.v" so funny. Congrats on your lovely family. I have 2 kiddos, I'm a homeschooling mom, a pro athlete that hates to workout LOL.. I also write a fitness blog for moms, but I LOVE fried fatty foods. You can read more about us in my party post

  7. Stopping from the UBP '11! I love how you just point out that you have eight children and that is that!

  8. I can't believe how much fun this party is! I almost didn't do it, thinking that I'd be the only grandmother in the lot. But I find that I'm skipping over to check out blogs {thus putting me further behind at work} after each completed task on my desk. Love you...mean it!

  9. I am a new follower from the Ultimate Blog Party!!! Have a Great Day!!


  10. Stopping by from UPB11. Great to meet you! There are so many fun blogs to visit! If you have time, I hope you’ll stop by:

    You can enter to win a $25 Gift cert to my eBay store to spruce up your spring/summer wardrobe (details on post)
    Have a great weekend!

  11. I am your newest fan from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011. I would really appreciate it if you follow me back through Google Connect Friend. I have a lot of contest going on Madame Deals. $25 amazon gift card, Vera Bradley purse, $100 in jewelry, 200 cut coupons, bare minerals gift pack, $30 for an organic outfit, $75 P&G products, and the chance to win $1000. Thank you Amee

  12. I'm Here from the UBP11 Party! I'm adding you to my blog

    roll2 page.
    Thanks for the chance at a prize pack I'm having a party

    too. Let's swap buttons.
    barb g.

  13. Hi Beth!! Friend, I just don't know how you manage to blog with all you have on your plate! You are truly amazing! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway!

  14. I have 4 children and get the same questions all the time! When people tell me I have my hands full, my response is "I am so blessed!" :)

  15. what a fun party. I have enjoyed finding so many new blogs..

    Hope you will stop by...I have some extra giveaways that require nothing but a jumping through hoops.


  16. Wow 150 people and you have 8 kids - good for you!

    Stopping by from the Ultimate Blog Party 2011!
    Hope you’ll visit my party:

  17. impressive.. your family composes a significant percentage of your town's population!

  18. LOL We have a lot of cows around here too!!

    Hey! I am visiting from the Ultimate Blog Party! Please head over to either or both of my blogs (and become a follower if you aren't one already):

    So Stylilized is where I am currently offering FREE Custom Blog Designs at

    Jessicas Lil Corner is where I blog about family and life at

    Have a very blessed week! :0)

  19. Hi Beth,
    Lovely to meet you and your blog through UPB. This is my first year and I am finding many wonderful blogs, like yours.


    Gg - Notes on the Journey # 269

    ps. Love your family picture.

  20. Visiting from the UBP! Your blog is really nice and you have a gorgeous family!


    For Such a Time as This

  21. I love how you have all the answers covered to the questions you are asked I'm sure a million times over about the amount of kids you have! Made me chuckle!

    Stopping by to say Hi! Hope you are having fun at this year's UBP 2011! I know I am!

  22. I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop party, you have a great site. Would you like to follow me back?
    thank you :)

  23. Visiting from the UBP! Following you now and looking forward to reading more about your family. Love all the upfront answers to the lingering unspoken questions that would be asked .... :)

  24. Hello!!! Stopping by from UBP and loved your blog! I have a draw to fresh, Christian homesteading/small farm do it yourself living blogs...maybe it is my chaotic and unstable life as an Army wife or something more innate, but I hope at the end of this journey to have had spent time on my own piece of land with animals and lots of homemade goodies! For now I try to grow what I can in pots that I pass along to other Army wives as we move, and cook great recipes from people like yourself! So glad I found your corner of the blogosphere! God Bless. - A Humble Planter from Planting Shade

  25. Hiya I'm stopping by from the UBP'11. Now following you and would love it if you stop by A Little of This and a Little of That and follow back. I hope you enjoy yourself at the UBP. Have a fab week.

  26. Hi! Just stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you. :)

    Your family is beautiful! I hope you're having fun this week!

    Becky @ From Ministry to Motherhood

  27. I’m a new follower from UBP11. I just wanted to say hello. You have a beautiful family!


  28. Hi Beth! I’m stopping by from the UBP. Nice to meet you! I am a new follower : )
    I have two blogs, and I’d love for you to stop by when you get a minute. Thanks! (A free giveaway every weekday) (Family blog)

  29. Hey! just stoppin by for the blog party. LOVE your blog and are proud to say we are your newest followers and {blog} friends. We’d love for you to come check out our new blog and be our newest follower and {blog} friend as well..much love (family blog)

  30. Hi from UBP! I love your blog. I'm new to blogging and to UBP, and I love it! Please take a minute to stop by and visit my blog. When I hit 100 followers, I will be giving away 1 Lavender Essential Oil to 1 lucky winner.

  31. Hello!!! So nice to meet you! Love that you have a bit of a sense of humor...and you didn't leave out the cows!!!! ( I'm a dairy farmer, and love cows!) :)
    Visiting from UBP....just like lots of the other peeps!

  32. Hi! I'm just dropping in from the UBP11! You have a beautiful family! Wow! Hope you'll stop by my blog sometime:
